Imran's Graduation (London) Part 1


Date:             May 10th, 2001


Comments:    My brother graduated from Richmond College and obtained a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.  The ceremony took place in a hall, and was a typical graduation for any American College: the graduates dressed up in their special gowns, hoods and cap (check out the picture).  It was a time of celebration and taking a lot of photo's, that by the end of the day, even Imran was sick on tired of posing for every Photo, but then again, he was high in demand that day. So just check out the photo's and if you want to send Imran any more wishes please click here.  Enjoy this journey through Imran's Graduation.  (Please mind the picture quality because the scanner at my college is not working properly).


First are some photo's during the Ceremony.  

Imran looking for his parents...


... and Mom looking at her son.

All of my mother nieces: How did she dress up on that day? Send your reply here.


Now, once officially graduated, the photo session started:

Imran with Dad & Mom (yes, my mom wanted to look like 

Princess Diana, but more on that later).



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