The last few photo's hours ...

The entire Maehfil - (Mamujhan, Farzana Aunty, Faheem, drinking again, Aslam Uncle, Furqan, Dada Abba, Ayesha with Shabana Aunty & Bilal trying to tell her the latest Cricket scores.



The other side of the room:

Finally Zeeshan is leaving --- (Faisal, Mumani Jhan, Khala Ammi, Humaira, 

Mamujhan, Farzana Aunty, Faheem & Bilal (again, any information please call 453 97 65)






And a pleasant surprise at the End:



The latest member of the Mirza Khandan (that I know of)

Name : Ayesha Iqbal Sheikh 


Well, that are ALL the photo's from Karachi 2000.  It was really fun, I certainly had a nice time, I hope everyone I met had a nice time too.  And to everyone in Karachi, a big THANK YOU for everything and SORRY for the trouble that I may have caused!!!



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